BUNN Coffee Pot Filter Alternatives

The secret to brewing a perfect cup of coffee comes down to the supplies you have on hand. Coffee filters are one of the most reliable resources for filtering unwanted contaminants. These disposable paper solutions were first invented in 1908 by a German housewife named Melitta Bentz. Since then, they have been recreated and engineered by top coffee suppliers and chains throughout the world. Modern coffee filters help prevent grounds from finding their way into your cup of coffee, but they also facilitate the extraction of essential flavors and aromas. BUNN® coffee pot filters have long been the most popular choice. In this article, we will review what these paper products are filtering and DIY alternatives to offset the cost of continuous replenishment.
There are many health benefits to using coffee filters as part of your morning routine. During the brew process, the filter you use traps oily substances found in coffee beans. These oily substances are otherwise known as diterpenes, and the two most common include cafestol and kahweol. When consumed, these oily substances can affect intestine activity and blood cholesterol levels. According to recent studies, paper filters are more effective at eliminating these oily substances than cloth or permanent filters. Best of all, they’re entirely disposable, recyclable, and compostable.
For most savvy consumers, the cost of coffee accessories can often outweigh the benefits or convenience. Luckily, there are alternatives you can make right at home without needing to spend extra money or making a 5 a.m. dash to the store if you run out. One economical way to filter your coffee without buying BUNN® coffee pot filters is by crafting a homemade filter from a paper towel. Simply fold a full-sized paper towel in half twice before making a pocket for your coffee grounds. We recommend folding the edges under the coffee pot lid. Before making a mad dash to your local supermarket, be sure to do some research. Most paper towels contain chemicals that can affect the final flavor and aroma of your coffee. Look for natural, chemical-free paper towels. Instead of trying the paper towel method, you can also use cheesecloth, thick cotton socks, or reusable filters to hold contaminants and sediment at bay for a fraction of the cost.
If you have any questions about this article, please feel free to contact a member of the CoffeeCow customer service department for more information.