Coffee Benefits

Every day, new found observations on the benefits and risks of consumables find their way into public knowledge. Coffee is no exception to the mediating eye of scientific study, but research has found that there are far more benefits than risks. Before delving into the nitty-gritty of coffee benefits, we thought it best to outline what coffee is and how it is prepared. The coffee bean originates from the Coffea flowering plant that’s native to tropical environments throughout Africa and Asia. Rumor has it that shepherds first discovered the effect of these plants because their livestock became energetic after grazing. Over centuries of cultivation, Coffea plants thrived throughout Arabia, the Americas, and beyond. Since then, coffee has undergone many transformations. Modern consumers prefer flavored coffee products with doses of sugar, cream, or other sweeteners.
While we review the many coffee benefits you have to look forward to, it is important to remember that many of these benefits are the result of black coffee consumption. The potential for benefits is often overshadowed due to added ingredients or unhealthy choices. Make the most of your morning routine by making a smart choice for your health.
Weight Loss and Obesity
It’s no secret that a majority of weight loss products contain caffeine. One of caffeine’s most notable metabolic effects includes central nervous system stimulation. Caffeine incites your central nervous system to send signals to fat cells in order to break down body fat. Best of all, a cup or two of coffee can cut muscle pain in half, so there’s no need to skip the gym for fear of fatigue. Before turning to coffee as your weight loss solution, it’s important to note that coffee is a diuretic. You run the risk of dehydration by drinking too much, so stay hydrated.
Harvard researchers worked long and hard to create quantifiable data from more than 28 studies with over one million participants. As a result, they found that consumers who drank at least one cup per day were eight percent less likely to develop diabetes than those who didn’t drink coffee at all, and the benefit increases the more coffee is consumed. One of the most recognizable compounds in coffee is a polyphenol known as chlorogenic acid. This ester is proven to decrease blood sugar concentrations and intestinal absorption.
Heart Health
Since the 1960s, researchers have tried to get to the bottom of the relationship between caffeine and coronary or cardiovascular conditions. Back then, it was believed that drinking coffee in excess could result in a higher risk of coronary heart disease. While it is true that caffeine can induce cardiac arrhythmias or activity, the high polyphenolic concentration in coffee offsets inflammatory intermediaries in the blood. As long as consumption isn’t excessive, numerous results have found that drinking coffee can reduce the risk of strokes and other cardiac-related diseases.
Skin Cancer
One of the deadliest forms of skin cancer, melanoma, is stimulated by skin cell damage from ultraviolet rays. A study conducted by specialists at the National Cancer Institute found that avid coffee drinkers sustained a 20 percent lower risk of developing melanoma over a decade. The study results suggest that drinking coffee is a dependable defense against this deadly disease. Coffee boasts many kinds of compounds, but polyphenols and caffeine are two of the most beneficial for healthy skin. If you know much about how coffee is decaffeinated, it should come as no surprise that caffeine molecules absorb ultraviolet light in different wavelengths on the color spectrum. Researchers are finding that caffeine may act as a molecular sunscreen by absorbing those hazardous rays and shielding your skin’s DNA from excess damage.
Longer Living
In a recent article published by the Annals of Internal Medicine®, doctors from numerous universities joined forces to examine the association of coffee consumption with reduced risk of death by conducting a large-scale study. More than 700,000 participants from all ethnic backgrounds and ages between 46 to 75 years reported coffee consumption throughout the 1993 – 2012 study. Results and conclusions indicate that coffee consumption was associated with lower total mortality within the confines of the study. Studies published in the same journal have been conducted in European countries to confirm corresponding results about longevity. Inverse associations were found between coffee and a variety of common illnesses, including cancer, liver disease, diabetes, and many more.
Coffee Benefits: Verdict
There’s no shame in revisiting the office break room or your kitchen for an extra cup or two each morning. Individuals with poor heart rate variability and other pre-existing conditions should always consult their doctors before making drastic changes to their morning routines. New studies are performed every day, and it is important to stay informed on findings so you can make the smartest decisions for your overall health.
Now that you know the many coffee benefits that have been proven or are on the edge of discovery, you can join CoffeeCow’s mission to tackle threats to coffee’s reputation. We carry a wide selection of coffee by some of the best brands in the business. Explore our inventory today to discover all your favorite flavors, roasts, and aromas. Have questions about the benefits of drinking coffee? Contact one of our friendly representatives for further assistance.